First thing, you must decide how you will legally homeschool in CA. We are lucky to have so many choices, but all of these choices can make a newbie feel overwhelmed. These are the 5 legal ways to homeschool:
Parent has a credential
Parent must have a multiple-subject credential in the grade their child(ren) are in. There are requirements for number of instruction hours per day and the number of school days per year. Do not have to file any paperwork.
Hire a credentialed teacher
There are requirements for number of instruction hours per day and the number of school days per year. Paperwork is not required.
Private School Afadavit
This is also called independent homeschooling and would be considered traditional homeschooling. A parent files a PSA every October to notify the state of their private school. The parent is required to keep some basic paperwork in their files. However, no one will ask to see this. This method is free and does not come with any state funding. Find more info here
Private Satellite Programs
These are private schools that cater to homeschoolers.
Full service private schools - offer guidance for curriculum selection, teacher feedback, and grading. $500-$3000/year. If school is out of state, family needs to file a PSA. (i.e. Laurel Springs)
Church umbrella programs - paperwork is filed and collected for family. Sometimes classes are offered. Usually reasonably priced. (i.e. Keystone Academy)
Small school programs - offer some curriculum guidance, file paperwork. Minimal cost ~ $300/year (i.e. EIE)
Independent Study Programs/Charter schools
These are free public school programs and take different forms. Standardized testing is required.
School district programs - these are the original homeschool option. Usually for medical issues. Students receive the same assignments children in school would get. Homework is returned to a teacher for feedback and grades.
Special school district homeschool programs - either has a set curriculum or allows parents to choose. May even have classes for homeschooled students. (i.e. CHEP)
Hybrid schooling - Students go to school 2 or 3 days a week. Parents are expected to continue cirriculum on homeschool days. (i.e. Las Flores or DaVinci)
Online schools - Set curriculum with most work on the computer and daily progress reports. Families receive a computer and all materials. (i.e. K12, CAVA, Kaplan)
Homeschool charters - Parents choose curriculum. Meet with teacher once a month. Family receives funds to purchase curriculum and classes. (i.e. Sky Mountain, Inspire, Compass, Sage Oak, Springs, Julian, Excel, Golden Valley, etc.)
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