If you are a new homeschooler, you and your child may need to deschool:
If you are starting with a preschooler, read this: What A 4 Year Old Should Know?
If your child is having trouble in school because of ADHD:
School ADD isn't Homeschool ADD
In case you or a family member still has doubts:
(for new homeschoolers)
1) This video is a wonderful introduction to three ways to homeschool in CA https://youtu.be/WbCeXjUQZ2Y
2) There is no one organized place to begin homeschooling. You just click your heels together and *poof* you're a homeschooler. I like to tell new parents that they are the first homeschooler in the family. This is a time of learning, evaluating, and researching homeschooling options.
3) Read about deschooling. When most people hear the word homeschooling, they assume it's just doing the same school work at home. Are there better ways to learn? Are there joyful ways to learn? Find out.
4) Find a park day. I have been homeschooling for 10 years and I talk to a lot homeschoolers on various points in their journey. Many issues that come up for homeschoolers over the years can be solved with having a regular, consistent park day. You can also get local info from HSC's group of county contacts.
5) If you are confident you can homeschool, skip this step. If not, know that you don't have to be a credentialed teacher to homeschool. You don't have to know everything and you didn't need to be a good student when you were young to homeschool. You just need to be willing to learn alongside your child. I have a college degree and I'm still learning.
6) Relax. It's easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many ways to homeschool - legal options, educational philosophies, and curriculum. Please, don't feel you have to figure out the perfect charter school, the perfect method, or the perfect curriculum. Give yourself permission to try different things and if it doesn't work, it's easy to change. Even if you do find the perfect curriculum, your child will change over the years. Be prepared to try new things.
7) No matter who you are, you will have self-doubt. We are parents, it goes with the territory. Even if your children went to public school, you would still worry. That is a parent's natural state of being. I just want you to know that it's normal. It's normal to feel that you are not doing enough. Whenever I feel that way, I think of all of my unschooling friends. They have smart, beautiful children, teens, and grown adults who are happy, healthy, and found their passion. I take comfort in the thought that even if we don't do math every week, our child will be fine and thrive.